للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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مسار الصفحة الحالية:

A note on the order and subject matter of the contents

المنهج المتبع في الببليوغرافيا

This is a brief look at the methodology I have used in the Bibliography.

١. All entries are in alphabetical order. The author’s name is followed by the title, which may be a book or an article in a journal or a chapter in a book.

٢. Titles of books are given in bold and articles are in italics. A researcher will thus find all the writings of each author in the same place.

٣. Abbreviations are used for well-known journals. A list of such abbreviations is also provided.

٤. Each entry is classified into one of seven categories, denoted by abbreviations, to determine its subject matter. The categories and abbreviations are as listed below.

- AUT: Authenticity

Entries which deal with the Authenticity of the Sunnah or its importance, including discussions of Isnad and Matn.

- CAT: Catalogue

Bibliographical entries.

- CRI: Criticism

Entries that attack or defend the Science of Hadith. Most of the entries in this category were written by western orientalists.

- TAD: Tadween (Recording)

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