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ثالثا: المراجع الأجنبية

٢١٨- Abbot (Nabia) , The Rise Of The North Arabic Scripts., Chicago, ١٩٣٩

٢١٩- Abbot (Nabia) , Pre-Islamic Arab Queens, Ajsl, ٥٨, ١٩٤١

٢٢٠- Albright, (W.F.) , The Chronology Of Ancient South Arabia In The Light Of The First Campaign Of Excavation In Qataban, In Basor, ١١٩, ١٩٥٠

٢٢١- Albright, (W.F.) , The Chaldaean Inscriptions In Proto-Arabic Script, In Basor, ١٢٨, ١٩٥٢,

٢٢٢- Albright, (W.F.) , New Light On Early Recensions Of The Hebrew Bible, In Basor, ١٤٠, ١٩٥٥

٢٢٣- Albright, (W.F.) , A Note On Early Sabaean Chronology, In Basor, ١٤٣, ١٩٥٦.

٢٢٤- Albright, (W.F.) , From The Stone Age To The Christianity,N.Y., ١٩٥٧

٢٢٥- Albright (W.F.) , The Bible And The Ancient Near East, London, ١٩٦١

٢٢٦- Altheim, (F.) And Stiehl (R.) , Die Araber In Der Alten Welt, Berlin, ١٩٦٤-٨

٢٢٧- Amer, (M.) , The Ancient Trans-Peninsular Routes Of Arabia, Cairo, ١٩٢٦

٢٢٨- Anati, (E.) , Ancient Rock-Drawings In The Central Negev,Peq, April, ١٩٥٥

٢٢٩- Barton, (G.A.) , The Royal Inscriptions Of Sumer And Akkad, New Haven, ١٩٢٤.

٢٣٠- Barton, (G.A.) , Semitic And Hamitic Origins, London, ١٩٣٤

٢٣١- Beeston, (A.F.L.) , Notes On The Muraighan Inscriptions, In Bsoas, ١٦, ١٩٥٤.

٢٣٢- Beeston, (A.F.L.) , Sculptures And

Inscriptions From Shabwa, Injras, ١٩٥٤

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