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ـ[بَحْرُ الرَّمَل]ــــــــ[11 - 10 - 2010, 02:36 م]ـ

السلام عليكم

يبدو لي أن الأخ قد نقل هذه القائمة بدون تمعن أو دراسة لأنه لو راجعها لوجد أن معظم المفردات العربية المذكورة هي من أصل أجنبي ودخلت العربية في فترات زمنية مختلفة وليس العكس. وهي معروفة للمختصين ومذكورة في الكثير من المصادر اللغوية العربية والأجنبية ولا يختلف فيها اثنان.

أتمنى أن لا تكون القائمة في الأصل مفردات عربية من أصول أجنبية وقد نقلها الأخ خطأً إلى مفردات أجنبية من أص عربي.

Alchemy الكيميا

alchemy (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=alchemy) http://www.etymonline.com/graphics/dictionary.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=alchemy) mid-14c., from O.Fr. alkemie, from M.L. alkimia, from Arabic al-kimiya, from Gk. khemeioa (found c.300 C.E. in a decree of Diocletian against "the old writings of the Egyptians"), all meaning "alchemy." Perhaps from an old name for Egypt (Khemia, lit. "land of black earth," found in Plutarch), or from Gk. khymatos "that which is poured out," from khein "to pour," related to khymos "juice, sap." The word seems to have elements of both origins.

Mahn ... concludes, after an elaborate investigation, that Gr. khymeia was probably the original, being first applied to pharmaceutical chemistry, which was chiefly concerned with juices or infusions of plants; that the pursuits of the Alexandrian alchemists were a subsequent development of chemical study, and that the notoriety of these may have caused the name of the art to be popularly associated with the ancient name of Egypt. [OED]The al- is the Arabic definite article, "the." The art and the name adopted by the Arabs from Alexandrians and thence returned to Europe via Spain. Alchemy was the "chemistry" of the Middle Ages and early modern times; since c.1600 applied distinctively to the pursuit of the transmutation of baser metals into gold, which, along with the search for the universal solvent and the panacea, were the chief occupations of early chemistry.

الفصفصه تعريب الأسبست عن الفارسية

Alkali: القلي

alkali (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=alkali) [/URL] late 14c., "soda ash," from M.L. alkali, from Arabic al-qili "the ashes" (of saltwort, a plant growing in alkaline soils), from qala "to roast in a pan." The modern chemistry sense is from 1813.

قماعيل؟؟؟ من أين لك هذا

Candy قند عن الفارسية candy (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=alkali) http://www.etymonline.com/graphics/dictionary.gif (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=candy) late 13c., "crystalized sugar," from O.Fr. çucre candi "sugar candy," ultimately from Arabic qandi, from Pers. qand "cane sugar," probably from Skt. khanda "piece (of sugar)," perhaps from Dravidian (cf. Tamil kantu "candy," kattu "to harden, condense"). As a verb, attested from 1530s; hence, candied (c.1600).

Carmine قرمز عن التركية carmine (http://www.etymonline.com/index.php?term=carmine) 1712, from Fr. carmin (12c.), from M.L. carminium, from Arabic qirmiz "crimson," from Skt. krimiga "insect-produced," from krmi "worm, insect." The dye comes from crushed cochineal insects. Influenced in Latin by minium "red lead, cinnabar," said to be of Iberian origin.

cipher (http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=carmine) [URL="http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=cipher"] late 14c., from M.L. cifra, from Arabic sifr "zero," lit. "empty, nothing," from safara "to be empty;" loan-translation of Skt. sunya-s "empty." Came to Europe with Arabic numerals. Original meaning "zero," then "any numeral," then (first in French and Italian) "coded message" (first attested in English 1520s), because early codes often substituted numbers for letters. The verb meaning "to do arithmetic" (with Arabic numerals) first attested 1520s. Related: Ciphered; ciphering.

ـ[أبوعلي2]ــــــــ[14 - 10 - 2010, 03:17 م]ـ

عبد ذي الجلال والإكرام ( http://www.alfaseeh.com/vb/member.php?17601- عبد-ذي-الجلال-والإكرام)

أحسنت وأجدت ولكن هل لك أن تخبرني أين أجد قاموسا تأثيليا Etymology Dictionary على الشابكة بصيغة كتاب الكتروني

لدي قاموس الأكسفورد ولكنه لا يعطي تفصيلا بهذه الدقة.

هناك بعض المواقع التي تأثل الكلمات على الشابكة ولكنني أحتاجه كتابا.

السلام عليكم

استخدامك لمصطلح (الشابكة) أولى من (الشبكة العنكبوتية).

وهذا المصطلح اقترحه الأستاذ الدكتور عبد الكريم اليافي- رحمه الله- على مجمع اللغة العربية

بدمشق قبيل وفاته. أفادني بذلك أحد أعضاء المجمع المذكور.


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