للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

فصول الكتاب

Evangiles, ed. and tr. by R. Chidiac, Paris ١٩٣٩

(١٨) J. Robson: Muhammadan teachings about Jesus, in MW, xxix (١٩٣٩), ٣٧ - ٥٤

(١٩) F. V. Winett: References to Jesus in Pre-islamic Arabic inscriptions in MW, xxxi (١٩٤١), ٣٤١ - ٥٣

(٢٠) J. Robson: Stories of Jesus, ibid, cl (١٩٥٠)

(٢١) E. Littmann: Jesus in a preislamic inscription, ibid, xl (١٩٥٠)

(٢٢) J. Abd El-Jalil: Marie et l'Islam, Paris (١٩٥٠)

(٢٣) W. M. Watt: His name is Ahmad, in MW, xlii (١٩٥٣)

(٢٤) F. L. Bakker: Jesus en de Islam The Hague (١٩٥٥)

(٢٥) E. F. F. Bishop: The Qumran Scroll and the Qur'an, in MW, xlviii (١٩٥٨)

(٢٦) G. Fares: Le Christ et l'Islam contemporain, in Mediterranee, carrefour dereligions, ٣١ - ٥٢ (Cahier no. ٢٨ of Recherches et debats du centre catholique des intellectuels francais, September ١٩٥٩)

(٢٧) K. Cragg: Introduction to histranslation of Kamil Husayn, City of Wrong

(٢٨) Djambatan-Amsterdam ١٩٥٩: M. Hayek, Le Christ de l'Islam, Paris ١٩٥٩ (٢ nd Arabic edition, Beirut ١٩٦١)

(٢٩) "Abd al-Tafahum: The Qur'an and the Holy Communion, in MW xlix (١٩٥٩)

(٣٠) Ishaq al-Husayni: Christ in the Qur'an in modern arabic literature, Tokyo ١٩٦٠

(٣١) H. Michaud: Jesus selon le Coran, Cahiers Theologiques ٤٦, Neuchatel ١٩٦٠

(٣٢) M. Hayek L'origine des termes "Isa, al-Masih (Jesus-Christ) dans le Coran, in l'Orient chretien, vii (١٩٦٢), ٢٢٣ - ٥٤ and ٣٦٥ - ٨٢

(٣٣) Geoffrey Parrinder: Jesus in the Qur' an, London ١٩٦٥

(٣٤) Ali Merad le Christ selom le Coran, in R.O.M.M., v (١٩٦٨/ ١ - ٢), ٧٩ - ٩٣

د. عبد الرحمن الشيخ [قناواتى G. C. Anawati]