للمساهمة في دعم المكتبة الشاملة

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[باللغات الأوروبية]


ب- باللغات الأوربية:

١- Albright, "the archaeology of Palestine " (pellcan, a ١٩٩) .

٢- Atiyah, "the arabs', (pelican, a ٣٥٠) .

٣- Cap٠art, "egyptina art". (London) ١٩٣٢) .

٤- Capart, "primitive art in Egypt " (London) ١٩٠٥) .

٥- Capart, & contenay, "histoire de l'orient ancien' (paris ١٩٤٦) .

٦- Chilled, 'what happened in history" (Middlesex ١٩٤٣".

٧- Contenay "la civilization des Hittites et des hurrites du mitani" (paris ١٩٤٨) .

٨- Ed burgh, "the legacy of tha ancient world" (pelican, a ٢٨٤) .

٩- Edwards, "the pyramids of Egypt ", (pelican a ١٦٨) .

١٠- Frankfort , "the legacy of the ancient world" (near east" (١٩٥١) .

١١- Ghirshman, " iran " (pelican, a ٢٣٩) .

١٢- Glanvill, "the legacy of Egypt " (oxford ١٩٤٢) .

١٣- Hayes, "the sceprta of Egypt " vol. I, (new york ١٩٥٣) .

١٤- Kees, "deas alte aegypten" (berlin ١٩٥٥) .

١٥- Lioyd, "early Anatolia " (pelican a ٣٥٤) .

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