تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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[الوافي الذهبي أفضل مترجم عربي للنصوص]

ـ[عبد العزيز]ــــــــ[12 - 02 - 2004, 01:36 م]ـ


تحميل البرنامج ( http://www.3ez.net/ahmed/wafi3.rar)

ـ[نسمة فرحات]ــــــــ[23 - 05 - 2006, 02:26 م]ـ

My friend, a gathering of luck in your chart will make 2006 the luckiest year ever for you... if you know how to attract and use it!

Nasmah, ever since we started working together a week ago I began to see with just a little more luck, your life could take a dramatic turn for the better and bring you the kinds of things you have always wanted and dreamed about.

And yesterday, when I was going over some charts, I saw an incredible gathering of good fortune starting on June 1st, 2006.

Additionally, knowing you for a week, I understand how Sagittarians can be somewhat skeptical and have a tendency to put things off, so I knew I had to show you why you should use this opportunity and make sure you act quickly, so you would not let it slip through your fingers, only to regret it later.

And this is exactly why I'm writing.

I know someone who is an expert in the field of magic and he has an incredible kit with truly magical items that can draw and magnify this luck and good fortune to you. What's more, he's someone who completely understands the mind and character of Sagittarians so you should really benefit from his knowledge.

This remarkable man's name is Bernard, and his knowledge of how to get the most out of these circumstances is unparalleled. If you're at all skeptical, put it aside for a bit and you will be more than pleasantly surprised.

ـ[نسمة فرحات]ــــــــ[23 - 05 - 2006, 02:42 م]ـ

( ops لو سمحتم مساعدتنا في تحميل البرناج لتعريب النصوص وشكرا: p :)

ـ[ابو فهد]ــــــــ[26 - 02 - 2007, 07:11 م]ـ

( ops لو سمحتم مساعدتنا في تحميل البرناج لتعريب النصوص وشكرا: p :)

ترجمه عربي انجليزي

ـ[ابو فهد]ــــــــ[26 - 02 - 2007, 07:13 م]ـ


ـ[عبود.]ــــــــ[08 - 05 - 2007, 12:10 م]ـ


ـ[عبود.]ــــــــ[08 - 05 - 2007, 12:11 م]ـ


ـ[أبو عمار]ــــــــ[13 - 08 - 2007, 02:24 ص]ـ

بارك الله فيك.

ـ[ابو عبد الرحمن (معاذ)]ــــــــ[12 - 12 - 2007, 08:24 م]ـ

السلام عليكم، مالمانع ياإخوتى فى تحميل هذا الوفى؟

ـ[ابو عبد الرحمن (معاذ)]ــــــــ[12 - 12 - 2007, 08:26 م]ـ

إن كان هو وافياً، فهلاً كِلتم لنا؟

ـ[أبو عمار]ــــــــ[12 - 12 - 2007, 09:37 م]ـ

[بارك الله فيك والبرنامج لا يعمل.

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