تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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[مؤتمر حول القرآن في جامعة لندن]

ـ[أحمد الأشتر]ــــــــ[10 Sep 2009, 03:40 ص]ـ

سيعقد في جامعة لندن موتمر حول القرآن بعنوان "القرآن: النص والتاريخ والثقافة" وذلك بين 12 - 14 تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر 2009 التفاصيل أدناه وفي هذا الرابط:


والسلام عليكم

The Qur'an: Text, History & Culture

12-14 November 2009, SOAS, University of London

Convenors: Professor MAS Abdel Haleem & Dr Ayman Shihadeh

‘The Qur’an: Text, History & Culture’ Conference aims to bring together papers representing a diverse range of areas and approaches within Qur’anic studies. While the conference will remain committed to the textual study of both the Qur'an itself and the history of the religious, intellectual and artistic activity that developed around it and drew on it, attention will also be given to non-textual cultural, sociological and anthropological studies relating to the Qur'an. Our objective is to stimulate discussion, debate and research on all aspects of Qur'anic studies.


Thursday 12 November

Opening Address Professor MAS Abdel Haleem 9.45–10.00

Structure and Composition (chair: Mustansir Mir) 10.00–12.00

Michel Cuypers, ‘Semitic Rhetoric as a Key to the Question of Nazm of the Qur’anic Text’

Walid A. Saleh, ‘Sura 37 as a Bridge Sura in the Composition of the Qur’an’

Ayman El-Desouky, ‘Nazm, I‘jaz, Discontinuous Kerygma: Approaching Qur’anic Voice on the Other Side of the Poetic’

Thomas Hoffmann, ‘From the Chaotic to the Charodic: Rethinking Chaos and Qur’an’

The Qur’an and Medieval Philosophy (chair: Ayman Shihadeh) 13.30–15.00

Peter Adamson, ‘Abu Bakr al-Razi on Prophetic Revelation’

Daniel De Smet & Meryem Sebti, ‘Avincena’s Philosophical Approach to the Qur’an in the Light of his Tafsir Surat al-Ikhlas’

Heidrun Eichner, ‘The Hermeneutics of Fakhr al-Din al-Razi’s Qur’an Commentary: A Link between Philosophy and Sufism’

Theological Approaches to the Qur’an (chair: Mustafa Shah) 15.30–17.30

Anthony H. Johns, ‘The Transfiguration of the Spoken Word: A Humanistic Approach to I‘jaz’

Abdessamad Belhaj, ‘Argumentation of the Qur’an through al-Muzaffar al-Razi’s Hujaj al-Qur’an and al-Tufi’s ‘Alam al-Jadhal’

Ahmad Achtar, ‘Al-Zamakhshari’s Unique Hermeneutics of Anthropomorphic Verses in the Qur’an: Majaz Based on Kinaya and Takhyil’

Christopher Melchert, ‘God Created Adam in His Image’

Friday 13 November

Tafsir (chair: Toby Mayer) 9.00–10.30

Robert Morrison, ‘Astrology and Tafsir’

Jamal J. Elias, ‘Sufi Tafsir Reconsidered: Exploring of the Development of a Genre’

Mustansir Mir, ‘Reading the Qur’an with the Bible in Mind’

Tafsir (chair: MAS Abdel Haleem) 11.00–12.30

Badri N. Zubir, ‘Al-Sharif al-Radi’s Contribution to Qur’anic Exegesis: An Analysis of Talkhis al-Bayan fi Majaz al-Qur’an’

Husain Qutbuddin, ‘Fatimid Legal Hermeneutics: The Da‘a’im al-Islam of al-Qadi al-Nu‘man (d.363/974)’

Tammam Hassan, ‘Al-dalala bayna al-ifrad al-mu‘jami wa’l-tanawwu‘ al-siyaqi’

Ethics in the Qur’an (chair: Anthony Johns) 14.00–15.30

Ahmad Z. Obeidat, ‘Defining Good in the Qur’an: A Semantic Inquiry in Qur’anic Ethics’

Patrick Franke, ‘Islamic Morality in the Making: The Sexual Ethics of the Qur’an and its Late Antique Context’

Nora S. Eggen, ‘Conceptions of Trust in the Qur’an: The Case of Amana’

The Qur’an in the Contemporary World (chair: Sebastian Guenther) 16.00–17.30


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