تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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ـ[مشرف الشهري]ــــــــ[07 - 12 - 08, 08:58 ص]ـ

Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Grammar and Vocabulary

Author: Malcolm Mann, Steve Taylore-Knowles

Publisher: Macmillan

Macmillan Exam Skills for Russia: Grammar and Vocabulary is intended for the students who want to get prepared for the grammar and vocabulary section of the Russian State Exam (RSE). Besides, it is useful for the FCE preparation as there are many exercises in this exam format. Also, after the main block of grammar and vocabulary modules, there is an "Exam Practice" section that provides not only 4 tests of grammar and vocabulary RSE practice, but also an "FCE Use of English" test.

This book includes not only different kinds of exercises in the exam format, but also well-systematized, compact and extremely informative grammar and vocabulary blocks of information and rules that are put into practice in the exercises that follow the theory.

Moreover, there is a lot of useful stuff at the end of the book that helps to make the study easier.

There are such things as:

- the list of irregular verbs;

- the verbs followed by full infinitive or gerund with a change in meaning;

- reporting verb patterns;

- phrasal verb database (with the definitions and the examples of each phrasal verb);

- phrases and col********s database;

- word patterns database;

- word formation database;

- US vs. UK English: vocabulary and spelling;

- and a Glossary that gives definitions and examples of the confusable words of each of the vocabulary units.

All in all, it's a really worthy book for grammar and vocabulary upper-intermediate FCE and RSE exam preparation.

CAN ALSO BE USED BY NON-RUSSIAN USERS (except some infos complete in English)




---original version (PDF in RAR, 33 MB)




---reduced version (PDF in RAR 3.20, 5.6 MB) by Pumukl


IFILE mirror

reduced version (http://ifile.it/w5fm0y6)

ـ[مشرف الشهري]ــــــــ[07 - 12 - 08, 09:03 ص]ـ

Oxford - A Practical English Grammar 4th ed. (Paperback)

Author: Thomson & Martinet

Publisher: Oxford University Press (July 31, 1986)

In this fourth edition, A Practical English Grammar is more informative and easier to use than ever. The text is revised and updated, closely related topics are easier to compare and a new index improves access to the text. Two books of exercises and two books of structure drills can be used with or without the Grammar.

Key features

- Clear, concise explanations of structures.

- Example sentences illustrating contemporary spoken and written English.

- Accompanying practice material: two books of exercises.

PREVIEW (of reduced version)



---original version (30 MB)



http://rapidshare.com/files/43924832/a_20practical_20english_20grammar_20thomson_20_20_ 20martinet_20-_204th_20ed..rar

---reduced version (8.8 MB) by Pumukl


ـ[مشرف الشهري]ــــــــ[07 - 12 - 08, 09:06 ص]ـ

Blockbuster 2 (Workbook+Grammar Book in one book)

Author: Jenny Dooley , Virginia Evans

Publisher: Express Publishing

File size: 74 MB

File type: PDF

Blockbuster is designed for learners studying English. The series follows the principles of the Common European Framework of Reference and combines active English learning with a variety of lively topics presented in themed modules.

Key Features

- theme-based units in modules

- a varied range of reading texts from authentic contemporary sources with exercises which encourage learners to read extensively as well as intensively

- realistic stimulating dialogues featuring people in everyday situations

- exploring grammar sections covering grammatical areas appropriate for each level plus a Grammar Reference Section

- a wide range of speaking activities

- pronunciation and intonation sections

- study skills and tips to help learners become autonomous

- cartoon strips, jokes and songs

- culture corner and curricular cuts at the end of each module

- pairwork activities

- self check sections at the end of each module


---single JPGs, unsorted and not rotated (74 MB)


---converted to PDF, sorted /rotated (PDF in RAR, 74 MB by Pumukl)





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