تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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[أمور دعت إليها الشريعة وأكدتها الفطرة للعثيمين انجليزي]

ـ[أحمد أبوالمعاطي]ــــــــ[08 - 09 - 09, 01:44 ص]ـ

Essentional Rights That the Pure, Innate Nature Calls for but Islam Requires from Muslims A wonderful E-book

أمور دعت إليها الشريعة وأكدتها الفطرة للعثيمين


Essentional Rights

That the Pure, Innate Nature Calls for but Islam Requires from Muslims

أمور دعت إليها الشريعة وأكدتها الفطرة

Muhammad Al-'Uthaimin

It, in spite of it’s relatively small size , does focus on the rights man has, and what obligations one is obliged to do towards His Creator, Allah , the Almighty, and towards his fellow man as well ; and introduce them properly and precisely to the Muslim readers all over the world , and also to those who are either eager to learn about essential matters in Islam , or interested to know what Islam is all about

Size of the book 470 kb





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