Converted to Islam and joined the Muslims
just as they were about to enter Mecca.
Ali Son of Abu Tilib. First cousin of the
Prophet. 'Ali later married Fatimah, the
youngest daughter of the Prophet.
Allahu Akar Phrase meaning 'God Allah is Great'.
Alms Money, clothes or food given to the poor.
Aminah Aminah bint Wahb. The motherof the Prophet.
'Amro Ibun An important and clever man from
Al'ass Quraysh; was sent to Abyssinia to bring
back the first Muslim emigrants. Later
became one of the great Warriors of Islam.
Ansar The inhabitants of Medinah who became
Muslims and asked the Prophet to come
and live with them.
Apostle Person sent to teach men about God.
Wa Aleikum Phrase used by the Muslims in greeting,
Assalamu meaning: 'May the Peace, Mercy and Grace
Rahmatullah of Allah be upon you.
Bah1ira A monk who lived in the desert on the
Quraysh caravan route to Syria.
Bani Hashim The branch of Quraysh to which the Prophet belonged.
Bani Qurayzah A Jewish tribe who were living in Yathrib
at the time the Prophet arrived there. Several
times they betrayed their Covenant with
the Prophet, forcing him to fight them.
Bedouin Nomadic Arabs of the desert, usually shepherds.
Bilal The Slave of Umayyah ibn Khalaf. He
became a Muslim against the will of his
master and was persecuted cruelly but
never lost his faith. Later he became the
first mu'adhdhin (the person who calls the
Bismillah The phrase meaning 'In the Name of Allah
the Merciful, The Compassionate'.
Booty Things captured from an enemy in war.
Buraq Animal ridden by the Prophet Muliammad ~
on his ascent to heaven (the Isra' and Mi'raj).
Caravan A group of travellers, usually merchants
with their goods.
Clan Large family or tribe.
Congregation Gathering of people for prayer.
Convert To change from one state into another,
usually said of religion.
Copt An Egyptian Christian.
Descendants People originating from a certain person
grandchildren, etc.).
Destined Fated, already decided by God.
Famine Scarcity of food.
Fast To go without food and water, e.g. the
month of Ramadan.
Fitrah The pure original nature God gave to man.
Gabriel (Jibril) The Archangel who conveyed the
Revelation of the Quran to the Prophet from
Graze To feed on grass, as sheep do.
Guardian One who is responsible for someone (e.g. a
child)? A place, or thing.
Hadith An account of what the Prophet ~ said or
did, or his silent approval of something said
or done in his presence
Hagar Abraham's second wife and mother of his
(Haajar) first son Ishmael.
Halimah A Bedouin woman from Bani Sa'd, who
cared for the Prophet during his early
Hamzah The Prophet's uncle; one of the bravest
and strongest of the Muslims. Fought at
Badr and was killed in Uhud.
Has Him Son of Abdu Manif. Organized the caravan
journeys of Quraysh to Syria and Yemen.
As a result Mecca grew rich and became a
large and important centre of trade.
Heraclius Emperor of the Eastern Roman Empire.
Hermit A holy man who lives far away from
people. 100
Hiurah The flight from Mecca to Medinah;
Hind Abu Sufyin's wife.
Imam A man who leads the Muslims in prayer.
Ishmael The first son of Abraham from his wife
(Isma'il) Hagar. Settled in Mecca where he helped
his father rebuild the Kabah. From his
descendants came Quraysh.
Islam Religion revealed to the Prophet
Ja'far Ibn Abu A cousin of the Prophet and brother of
Tallb he was the spokesman of the Muslims who
emigrated to Abyssinia.
Khadijah The Prophet Mohammed’s first and only
wife until her death. She was the first to
believe in the Prophet and to accept as true
the Message he brought from Allah.
Khalid Ibn Al- A great warrior, very skilled at warfare. He
Walid planned the defeat of the Muslims at Uhud,
but later converted to Islam and fought
even more strongly for his new faith.
Martyr One who dies in the cause of God.
Maysarah Khadijah's slave. Accompanied the Prophet
on his journey with Khadijah's caravans.
Minaret Tower from which the call to prayer is
made. 101
Mosque Building in which Muslims pray.
Muslim One who submits to God, usually referring
to the followers of the Prophet Muhammad.
Oasis A small area in the desert where water and
trees are to be found.
Paradise Place to which the souls of good people go
after death
Pilgrimage Journey to a holy place, e.g. Hajj 102