Foxit PDF Editor v2.0.1011 أقوى محرر لملفات الـ pdf + الهدية: (النسخة المحمولة).
ـ[حمدي أبوزيد]ــــــــ[07 - 04 - 08, 10:32 ص]ـ
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم.
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله.
الحمد لله والصلاة والسلام على رسول الله وعلى آله وصحبه ومن والاه ... وبعد:
Foxit PDF Editor v2.0.1011
يتفق الأكثرون على أن هذا البرنامج هو أفضل برنامج في مجاله فهو من أقوى المحررات لمستندات الـ Pdf إن لم يكن أقواها بالفعل.
كما أنه يمكنك من أستخدام جميع الصيغ التحريرية مثل النسخ و الصق النصوص والصور والرسومات.
كما يمكنك من حذف صفحات موجودة أو إدراج صفحات إضافية أو صور إضافية على المادة أو النسخة الموجودة لديك.
بالاضافة الي الكثير من المميزات الاخري,,,
معلومات عن البرنامج بالانكليزية:
[ he first and still the only REAL editor for PDF files, allows you to easily and efficiently change *******s in any existing PDF files
Have you ever faced one of the following challenges?
* You are ready to print out a PDF file, and suddenly find some typos.
* You want to fill out a PDF form electronically, but realize it is non-fillable.
* You receive a PDF file from your colleague and want to make some changes before forwarding it to others.
* You want to consolidate several PDF report files into a single PDF document.
Now, with Foxit PDF Editor, you can easily meet the above challenges. Foxit PDF Editor is the only real PDF editor. Unlike other so-called "PDF Editor", which only works with notes or limited page *******s, Foxit PDF Editor allows you to modify any page *******s within any PDF document. You can select, insert, change, remove, rotate, copy and paste texts, images and graphics. You can insert, import, delete pages or design page layout. After you finish editing, you can print out the result PDF file or save it to overwrite the original file or create a new file.
* Open, View and Save PDF Files
* Insert, Remove and Modify PDF Pages
* Select, Modify and Delete Page ******s
Key Benefits
* Modifies any *******s of any PDF file
* Edits document intuitively, in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get way
* Requires no inside knowledge of PDF file format
* Displays PDF file fast and perfectly
* Presents a simple and neat user interface
* Packs in a small downloadable package
* Occupies small hard disk space after installation
* Supports multi-******** PDF *******
* Is affordable
What’s New in Version 2.0?
Version 2.0 has introduced many new features and improvement as below:
* New Toolbars:: Toolbars have been renovated thoroughly. New buttons for many functions have been added to the toolbars. These toolbars look professional and will greatly increase users’ productivity.
* Improved Status Bar: Now, users can specify page number or zooming factor in status bar.
* Floating Property List: Newly-designed property list can be dragged anywhere in the screen and hid or shown anytime. This allows users to view any part of a page. Users will be able to modify ****** properties and see the changes come to effect instantly. In addition, special setting dialogs can be invoked for users to change complex settings, such as colors setting, clipping setting and dashing line setting.
* Default Settings: Version 2.0 allows a user to specify default settings of parameters and behaviors inside Edit/Option dialog.