تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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Ahmed Pandit said that this set a spark on him, which ultimately led him to Islam. He said on one occasion he visited Imran's house, there he saw Imran's father praying. (Imran's father was not a common man. He was chief justice of Bhopal. Ahmed Pandit said that despite his position where he can easily amass his wealth by bribery, that man led a simple life, staying in an ordinary one bedroom flat. He was also conducting Dars-E-Quran to his collegues, advocates and other professionals at his home) The conversation between them went on like this. Just keep in your mind that Ahmed Pandit was admitted to the Hindu university at the age of 4 and he was not much exposed to the outside world, hence he knew nothing about Islam..

Ahmed Pandit: " Uncle if you don't mind can I ask one question?"

Imran's father: " Go ahead son."

Ahmed Pandit: "What type of yoga you were doing?"

Imran's father: "I was not doing any yoga, I was praying to God."

Ahmed Pandit: " Don't make fun of me uncle, if you are praying to God, where is the God, there is nothing in front of you, it is just the wall. We used to pray in front of God, who is colorful and well decorated"

At this point Imran's father said nothing he asked Ahmed Pandit, "do you know Hindi well?",

Ahmed Pandit replied that he is proficient in Hindi and Sanskrit. Imran's father went inside his house and returned with a copy of Quran with Hindi translation. He handed it over to Ahmed Pandit and told him to go through it.

After the exams are over, Ahmed Pandit returned to his "Gurukul" and he said there is a private area which are only reserved for the student there. No one can enter there without permission. There he took his time and went through Quran. He said While going through Quran many bell rang within him. He came across many words which were exactly matching the Vedas he learned, specially the word "Mohamed, Ahamed". (He said that while teaching the Vedas his teachers said that Ahamed in the Veda refer to Krishna, a clear lie...)

He said the words of Imran "The punishment of this world is nothing in front of the punishment of the next world" keep on repeating in his mind. He decided to escape from the Gurukul and become a Muslim, which he ultimately did. He talked in length the details of his becoming Muslim and the turmoil he underwent. Giving further details here will make this mail more lengthy. Full details are available in the audio and video format (in Hindi) at http://www.urduaudio.com. If anybody wants more from me (if they don't understand Hindi) InshaAllah I will write again as second part. He also noted that if Muslims are filled with the likes of Imran and his father, The whole world will be filled with Muslims.

Remember he was in such a position where every VIPs and VVIPs will visit him to get his blessing. He bared it all for the sake of Islam. Now he is in a mission of inviting Hindu brothers towards Islam. Pray to Allah in this Ramadan to give him success in his mission and make his life easy in this world and to grand him high position in the Paradise. Coincidently this event was held on 20th of Ramadan and he told that he became Muslim on the same day (20th of Ramadan) in Mumbai. Also let us try to invite others to Islam not only by our saying but also by our doing, We have a good example in Imran and his father.

ـ[العوضي]ــــــــ[11 - 02 - 07, 08:56 ص]ـ

أفيدوني بارك الله فيكم

ـ[أبو عمرو الشامي]ــــــــ[11 - 02 - 07, 07:49 م]ـ

السلام عليكم:

نعم الرسالة مفيدة ومؤثرة، خاصة الحرص على الصلاة من قبل المسلمين الذين يعيشون مع غيرهم واثره في هداية من يراقبهم.

بالنسبة للشريط التصويري الذي يحيل اليه الكاتب: هو باللغة الهندية ومن الصعب معرفة مضمونه.

ساحاول الطلب من أحد الهنود المسلمين الذين عندهم بعض العلم الشرعي ان يشاهدوه.

ـ[العوضي]ــــــــ[03 - 04 - 07, 05:11 م]ـ

جزاك الله خيراً أخي الكريم

وجاري العمل بها

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