تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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[ضروري: هل هذه المقالة مفيدة لدعوة الهندوس (باللغة الانجليزية)]

ـ[العوضي]ــــــــ[04 - 02 - 07, 04:39 م]ـ

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

اخواني هل هذه الرسالة مفيدة في دعوة الهندوس أرجو من لديه علم باللغة الانجليزية إلإادتي


أخي العزيز /

أضع بين يديك قصة شاب بلغ مرتبة عالية في الدين الهندوسي ومرتبة عالية في الوضع السياسي بالهند. اشتهر باسم أحمد بانديت واسمه قبل الاسلام شاريا سنجاي. جده هو حاكم لاحد الولايات بالهند. وأمة عملت وزارة التعليم على مدى 9 سنوات. وقد اختار أن يعتنق الإسلام نسال الله له الثبات.

تستطيع أن تنسخ النص الإنجليزي عن الرجل وترسله لزميلك الهندوسي (أو أي مسلم هندي) عله أن ينشرح صدره بها.

Acharya Sanjay Dwivedi

I would like to share something with you. Last Thursday (12-Oct-2006) I was invited for a small event at the Residence of my colleague. (Mohsin Shabandri, http://www.bhatkallys.com). The event was organised to felicitate Mohammed Abdul Muneem, popularly known as Ahmed Pandit. He is a converted Muslim. Formerly known as Acharya Sanjay Dwivedi.

What is important about this person is he is a well educated person in Hindu Dharma/Vedas. He attained the status of "Acharya", The highest degree in the teaching of Hindu Vedas / dharma. There is no other degree above it. In the speech he mentioned that after that he could become one of the head of the 4 peets (Like kanchi sankaracharya). At the age of 15 he as appointed as head priest of Birla group of temples and also president of All India Brahmin's Association.

As far as the political influence of his family is concerned, his grand father is the current chief minister of Uttaranchal, N.D. Tiwari. His mother Shri Kamla Devi has served as education minister of Uttar Pradesh for over 9 years.

In the event he spoke in great detail about his life and his journey towards Islam. The full video is available at http://www.urduaudio.com (******** Hindi). What turned him toward Islam, Because of which he lost so many things in this world. (He told in the meeting that if he goes for a marriage as a priest, his fees will be around 51/- lakhs, yes 51 lakhs., such was his level among Hindus.) Now he is living the life of an ordinary Muslim. But nonetheless he has taken up the mission of spreading Islam. Currently he is President, Al Hidayah, Hyderabad.

What initiated his journey to the truth? It is nothing but a strict observation of prayer by a fellow Muslim student at the school. (Ahmed Pandit used to attend regular school for a brief time to give the board exams). The school in which he was studying was a very strict one with rules. If anybody comes late for example for 5 minutes he will receive 5 beats. The fellow Muslim student called Imran used to be late for about 20 minutes in the afternoon and used to receive 20 beats daily.

When Ahmed Pandit enquired the teachers about this they told him that " He is a Muslim, he goes to prayer and always comes late, He will never improve. Taking pity on him Ahmed pundit asked him "why don't you pray to your God after returning from School or why don't you do that early at least.

Imran replied "Excuse me Panditji, You are controlling your God, you keep him at house, office etc. and offer pooja at your convenient. For us we are controlled by God, if I don't offer prayer at the established time, I will be punished in the next world. The punishment, of this world is nothing for me compared to the punishment of the next world.


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