تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

فصول الكتاب

ـ[أبو عمر محمد بن إسماعيل]ــــــــ[14 - 06 - 10, 03:26 م]ـ

نفع الله بكم

موضوع مفيد

ـ[اسامة الشامخ]ــــــــ[14 - 06 - 10, 09:32 م]ـ

فائدة رائعة ... بارك الله فيك

ـ[إسلام الغرباوي]ــــــــ[14 - 06 - 10, 10:30 م]ـ

يراجع هذا الرابط للفائدة

فائدة في: وضع الهلال على المنابر ( http://www.ahlalhdeeth.com/vb/showthread.php?t=43666)

ـ[خزانة الأدب]ــــــــ[15 - 06 - 10, 01:15 ص]ـ

رابط الويكيبيديا يقول إن هذه القصص عن أصل الكروسان أسطورية خيالية! وأنها تذكر في كتب الطهو لا في كتب التاريخ!

Origin stories

Fanciful stories of how the kipfel - and so, ultimately, the croissant - was created are culinary legends, at least one going back to the 19th century [14]. These include tales that it was invented in Europe to celebrate the defeat of a Muslim invasion at the decisive Battle of Tours by the Franks in 732, with the shape representing the Islamic crescent;[15] that it was invented in Vienna, Austria in 1683 to celebrate the defeat of the Turks to Polish forces in the Turkish siege of the city, as a reference to the crescents on the Turkish flags, when bakers staying up all night heard the tunneling operation and gave the alarm; tales linking croissants with the kifli and the siege of Buda in 1686; and those detailing Marie Antoinette's hankering after a Polish specialty.

Several points argue against the connection to the Turkish invasion or to Marie-Antoinette: saving the city from the Turks would have been a major event, yet the incident seems to be only referenced by food writers (writing well after the event), and Marie-Antoinette - a closely watched monarch, with a great influence on fashion - could hardly have introduced a unique foodstuff without writers of the period having commented on it.[original research?] Those who claim a connection never quote any such contemporary source; nor does an aristocratic writer, writing in 1799, mention the pastry in a long and extensive list of breakfast foods.[16]

The fact that these stories have long been disproved does not prevent reputable companies from repeating them on their sites.[17] Despite increasing scholarship in cultural history in general and in food history in particular, these myths are still found far more frequently than the documented versions.

ـ[أبو الحسن الأثري]ــــــــ[15 - 06 - 10, 01:45 ص]ـ

استاذنا خزانة الأدب قلة مشاركاتك على أنها يفترض بها أن تزيد بعد التقاعد:)

ـ[أبو سليمان الجسمي]ــــــــ[15 - 06 - 10, 05:56 م]ـ

إذن فما هو أصل القصة؟

ـ[خزانة الأدب]ــــــــ[15 - 06 - 10, 08:50 م]ـ

استاذنا خزانة الأدب قلة مشاركاتك على أنها يفترض بها أن تزيد بعد التقاعد:)

لم أتقاعد بعد حفظك الله!

تعرف على الموسوعة الشاملة للتفسير