حُروف العطف The conjunctions.
حروف الهِجَاء The Alphabet.
الخبر The Predicate
حَالَة الرَّفع / مرفوع Nominative ( Verbs & Nouns).
سَاكِنٌ / سُكُون Absence of Vowels
شِبْهُ الجُمْلَة Prepositional Phrase
أسْمَاء الصِّلَة/ Relative Pronoun
الأسماء المَوْصُولَة
الصِِّلَةُ Attributive Relative Clause
الضَّمِيْر The Personal Pronoun.
العَلَم A proper Noun
الفاعِل Actor , (The doer of the verb (comes only after the verb.
فِعْل أَمر Imperative
الفِعْلُ المَاضِي The Perfect Tense.
الفعل الثُلاثِي The Triliteral Verb ( فَعَلَ)
الفِعْلُ اللازِم An Intransitive Verb
ألفِعْلُ المُتَعَدِّي A transitive Verb.
فعل ثلاثِي مُجَرَّد الفِعْلُ المُجَرَّد
فِعْلٌ مُجَرَّد الفِعْلُ المَزِيْد + one or more of the Increase Letters.
الفِعْلُ المُضَارِع The Imperfect Tense ( indicates present or future Tense).
الفِعْلُ المُعْتَلّ The Weak Verb
الفِعلُ المبنِي للمجهول Passive verb
الفِعْلُ المبني للمعلوم Active Verb
الفِعْلُ المَاضِي Perfect Tense
لا النَّافِيَة La of Negation.
مَا النَّافِية Ma of Negation.
المُبْتَدَأُ The subject of a Sequential (Nominal) Sentence.
المَبْنِي With a static case-ending.
المبنِي للمعلوم Active Voice
المَبْنِي لِلْمَجْهُول Passive Voice
المثال A Verb starting with ( و , ي)
المُثَنَّى Dual
ألمُسْتَثْنَى Exceptive
أَدوَات الإسْتِثْنَاء Exceptive Particles
المَصْدَر Infinitive/ Verbal Noun
الإِضَافَة Genetive Construction
المُضَاف 1 st Particle of the construction
المُضَاف إِلَيْهِ 2 nd Particle of the construction
المُعَرَّف A Definite Noun
المفعُول بِهِ An Accusative Object.
المَفْعُول فِيْهِ Adverbal Qualification of Time or Place.
المَفْعُولُ المُطْلَق Cognate Accusative (The Absolute Object.)
المَفْعُول مَعَهُ (مَع واو المَعِيَّة)
المَفْعُول لَهُ Adverbal Qualification of Purpose
( أعْطَاهُ هَدِيَّةً ثَمِيْنَةً تَعْبِيْرَاً عن تَقْدِيْرِهِ)
ألمَقْصُور A noun ending with long Vowel ( ا)
ألْمَمْدُود A noun ending with a long vowel( ا)
Followed by ( ء).
الممنوع مِن الصَّرف An unnonated noun.
المنقُوص A noun ending with ( ي)
(إسْمُ فَاعِلٍ مُشْتَقٌّ من الفعل النَّاقِص)
نَائِبُ الفاعِل Subject of the Predicate (Substitute of the Doer of the Verb)
(It comes only with Passive Verbs).
النِّسْبَة Nisbah (Attributive Form)
ألنَّصْب / مَنْصُوب Accusative (w/ nouns )
Subjunctive (w/verb).
أَلصِّفَة/ ألنَّعْت The Adjective.
النَّكِرَة A common noun
نُون التَّوكِيْد ن of emphasis
نُونُ النِّسْوَة ن The feminine plural pronoun
وَاو الجمَاعَة وا The masculine Plural Pronoun
أَلِف الإثْنَيْن ا The dual pronoun.
يَاء المُخَاطَبَة ي The you feminine Pronoun.
هَمْزَةٌ A glottal stop
وزن الفِعل The Pattern of the verb.
From the imperfect stem, modal forms can be derived: the subjunctive by (roughly speaking) replacing the final vowel by a, the jussive by dropping this a of the subjunctive, and the imperative (only 2nd person) also by dropping the verbal prefix.
The subjunctive is used in subordinate clauses after certain conjunctions. The jussive is used in negation, in negative imperatives, and in the hortative li+jussive. For example: 2. sg. m.:
imperfect indicative taf3alu 'you are doing'
subjunctive an taf3ala 'that you do'
jussive l? taf3al 'do not!'
imperative if3al 'do!'.