تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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In an answer to Almadena newspaper about the unfortunate annual disagreement and disputation about Hilal sighting, his eminent said that in the old days it was so difficult for people of far distances to contact and communicate with each other instantly. As a result, people used to have their own sighting for that reason. Along with that, everybody was content of this fact, and also the prophet Mohammed ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, "Fast when you see it, and break your fast when you see it".


Therefore, Muslims have never had dispute in a such issue. Kuraib, ( رضي الله عنه) , who was sent by Um alfadl ( رضي الله عنها) , came to Ibn 'abaas ( رضي الله عنه) , at the time of Mo'awiah ( رضي الله عنه). Ibn Abas asked him,"when did you fast?", Kuraib answered, "the crescent have been witnessed in Levant on the night of Friday. He also said, "Mo'awiah ( رضي الله عنه) , the leader of believers, fasted and people fast accordingly." Ibn 'abaas, then said, "but we did not see it but on Saturday, so we are still fasting tell we see it". Then Kuraib asked, "Doesn’t it suffice for you, O Ibn-Abbas, what Mo'awiah has done? Ibn-Abbas said, "This is how the prophet Mohamed ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) taught us"

From this hadith, we know that the differences in MaTalee' is unquestionable. For that reason, why do we dispute over it? If one community fasts, and the others imitates it, that should be fine, and if each community of us has his own Ro'yah that is also should be fine.

So if Muslims simulate Saudi Arabia because its fasting is a undoubtfully pure eye moon sighting that should be insha-Allah fine and if each one of you has his own moon sighting that should also be fine.

Let there be no dispute amongst Muslims and this is the most important issue. Also, another matter that should be taken into consideration is that the only acceptable moon sighting is the one that have been done via pure naked eye using all means possible to do that.

However, the absolute astronomical calculations is verily rejected in Islam because the Prophet Mohammed ( صلى الله عليه وسلم) said, "Fast when you see it, and break your fast when you see it and if it is hidden from you (behind the clouds) then complete Sha'baan thirty days.” we should not count on calculations and depends on it at all.

Shiakh AbdulAziz also said that if the responsible officials announce fasting, even if they are mistaken by following astronomical calculations, however, people should follow them even if they would love to apply the Sunnah in the fullest manner possible. For those officials, they are highly encouraged to implement Sunnah as much as possible. Any deviation from the Sunnah would cause greater dispute, which would generate a greater evil. We should take in consideration the greater goal which is the unity of Umah.

We ask Allah, the All Mighty and Oft-Forgiving refuge and mercy.





ـ[أبو سارة]ــــــــ[18 - 12 - 2007, 06:37 ص]ـ

إذا كان الحساب الفلكي مردود لتعارضه مع حديث الرؤية بالعين المجردة، فمن باب أولى رد هذه الفكرة لاستحالة اتحاد إمكان الرؤية في جميع المطالع.

والحادثة المروية في زمن الخليفة معاوية ليست ندا لصراحة حديث الرؤية من كل وجه.

هذا الكلام يعبر عن وجهة نظر فقهية محضة.

مقولة الحساب الفلكي، أمر انتهى، لأنها مبنية على جداول حسابية يدخلها الخطأ، نحن الآن في مرحلة دقة الرصد الفلكي، ونسبة الخطأ فيه لاتكاد تذكر إن لم تكن معدومة، حواسيب وأقمار صناعية متخصصة و بالغة الدقة،نستطيع أن نعرف بها ولادة هلال بعد خمسين أو خمسمئة أو مليون سنة من اليوم! أليس الأجدر بنا أن نستفيد منها؟

إذا تركنا كل ذلك ورجعنا إلى مسألة الرؤية، فعائق المطالع لامفر منه، لأن الرؤية هي المطلوب شرعا.

قبل سنوات حدثني بعض المهتمين بهذه المسألة وهو عالم كبير في هذا الأمر وقال: إن السر في عدم الاتفاق على هذه المسألة يعود لأسباب سياسية!

وخير الكلام ماقل ودل

ـ[رويكد]ــــــــ[19 - 12 - 2007, 06:34 ص]ـ

يعجبني قليلك .......... ولكن واطي النار ليس مثل مناظرها ...

لو ركزت في كلامي قليلاً لعلمت المقصد بشكل أفضل ...

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