تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

فصول الكتاب

Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.freeuploader.com (http://www.freeuploader.com/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 15 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 15 days)

URL: http://www.momoshare.com (http://www.momoshare.com/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.friendlyshare.de (http://www.friendlyshare.de/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: 200 Unloadings

Life of the file: 15 days

URL: http://www.orb-z.com (http://www.orb-z.com/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days

URL: http://www.uploadhut.com (http://www.uploadhut.com/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 14 days

URL: http://www.supashare.com (http://www.supashare.com/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.filehost.ro (http://www.filehost.ro/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.ushareit.com (http://www.ushareit.com/)


Limit of file: 50MB

Limit of unloadings: 1000 Unloadings

Life of the file: 50 days

URL: http://www.sceneworld.net/up


Limit of file: 40MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 21 days

URL: http://www.mytempdir.com (http://www.mytempdir.com/)

Send File

Limit of file: 40MB

Limit of unloadings: 10 Unloadings

Life of the file: 10 days

URL: http://www.send-file.co.uk (http://www.send-file.co.uk/)


Limit of file: 30MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.ultrashare.net (http://www.ultrashare.net/)


Limit of file: 30MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 21 days

URL: http://www.uploadtemple.com (http://www.uploadtemple.com/)


Limit of file: 30MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 14 days

URL: http://www.sendmefile.com (http://www.sendmefile.com/)


Limit of file: 25MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 1 Year

URL: http://upload2.net (http://upload2.net/)


Limit of file: 20MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days (You they erase it if there is no activity in 30 days)

URL: http://www.uploadtown.com (http://www.uploadtown.com/)


Limit of file: 20MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://a1.11mbit.in (http://a1.11mbit.in/)


Limit of file: 20MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://www.refrozen.com (http://www.refrozen.com/)


Limit of file: 15MB

Limit of unloadings: Stranger

Life of the file: Stranger

URL: http://keepmyfile.com (http://keepmyfile.com/)


Limit of file: 10MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: Limitless

URL: http://www.hyperupload.com (http://www.hyperupload.com/)


Limit of file: 10MB

Limit of unloadings: Limitless

Life of the file: 30 days

URL: http://www.webfilehost.com (http://www.webfilehost.com/)


ـ[يحيى صالح]ــــــــ[22 - 05 - 08, 05:24 م]ـ

جزاكم الله خيرًا

و لو أن معظمها محدود المدة إلا أنه يصفو منها الكثير الصالح. (ابتسامة)

ـ[أبو عبيد السلفي]ــــــــ[22 - 05 - 08, 05:28 م]ـ

جزاكم الله خيراًَ

ـ[سعود3]ــــــــ[22 - 05 - 08, 06:18 م]ـ

بارك الله فيك

ليتك تعطينا نبذة عن كل موقع للفائد باللغة العربية

حت تعم الفائدة وشكرا

تعرف على الموسوعة الشاملة للتفسير