تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

فصول الكتاب

[أحتاج لنقل هذه الأسطر للإنجليزية عاجلا، فهل من معين؟]

ـ[مزاحمة الركب]ــــــــ[11 - 01 - 10, 09:51 م]ـ

تعاليم دين الإسلام بمصدريه: الكتاب والسنة التي قرعت أسماع الصحابة، عندما منّ الله عليهم بالإسلام، جعلتهم يحرصون على ترسيخ أواصر المحبة، وتأصيل عرى الأخوة الإيمانية، بين بعضهم، غير مميزين بين عربي أو عجمي، وبين أبيض وأسود، إلا بالتقوى: إن أكرمكم عند الله أتقاكم] الحجرات 13 [.

فقد جعلت أوامر هذا الدين للمسلم على أخيه المسلم حقوقاً، يلزمه الوفاء بها والحرص عليها، فقد روى البخاري ومسلم حديثاً رواه أبو هريرة عن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم أنه قال: حق المسلم على المسلم خمس: ردّ السلام وعيادة المريض، واتباع الجنائز، وإجابة الدعوة، وتشميت العاطس ,, وفي حديث البراء بن عازب زيادة وإبرار المقسم، ونصر المظلوم ,.

وكل هذه الأمور إذا تمعّن فيها المرء يراها بسيطة الأداء، عظيمة الأثر، تقرّب القلوب، ولا تكلّف شيئاً وجاء معها وعد بالأجر الكبير عند الله، مما يعطي نظرة حول دين الإسلام بأنه سبق الحضارات كلها إلى مفهوم السلام، وعمق المحبة، التي لم تكن لمصالح دنيوية

ـ[مزاحمة الركب]ــــــــ[11 - 01 - 10, 11:03 م]ـ

Islam is the religion of harmony and interdependence, religion calls to his teachings of love and the relationship between his sons, thus eliminating the acrimony of the soul, and proves elements of brotherhood and the bonds of familiarity.

The teachings of the religion of Islam Bmsdr: Book and Sunna, which sounded ears of companions, when the God of Islam to them, made them eager to consolidate the bonds of love, brotherhood and consolidate the bonds of faith between them, but distinguished between Arabs and Ajami, and between black and white, but of righteousness: that ye may God Sunnah] rooms [13.

This has made orders for the Muslim religion, the rights to his Muslim brother, he has met and to ensure it has told the newly-Bukhari and Muslim narrated by Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he said: the right of a Muslim over another are five: returning greetings, visiting the sick, attending funerals, and the answer advocacy, and Tchmidt Sneezer, and, in al-Bara bin bachelor increase Ibrar chunked, and insist the oppressed.

All of these things, if you think you see the simple performance, great effect, almost hearts, does not cost a thing and brought with it the promise of high wages when God, which gives the look on the religion of Islam that it had been all civilizations to the concept of peace, love and depth, which were not the interests of the mundane

أخوتي في الله: هل من ملاحظات على هذه الترجمة؟؟

لأني سأعتمدها صباح الغد، و الله المستعان. فوددت التأكد ..

ـ[مزاحمة الركب]ــــــــ[11 - 01 - 10, 11:09 م]ـ

Islam is the religion of harmony and interdependence, religion calls to his teachings of love and the relationship between his sons, thus eliminating the acrimony of the soul, and proves elements of brotherhood and the bonds of familiarity.

The teachings of the religion of Islam Bmsdr: Book and Sunna, which sounded ears of companions, when the God of Islam to them, made them eager to consolidate the bonds of love, brotherhood and consolidate the bonds of faith between them, but distinguished between Arabs and Ajami, and between black and white, but of righteousness: that ye may God Sunnah] rooms [13.

This has made orders for the Muslim religion, the rights to his Muslim brother, he has met and to ensure it has told the newly-Bukhari and Muslim narrated by Abu Huraira that the Messenger of Allah peace be upon him, he said: the right of a Muslim over another are five: returning greetings, visiting the sick, attending funerals, and the answer advocacy, and Tchmidt Sneezer, and, in al-Bara bin bachelor increase Ibrar chunked, and insist the oppressed.

All of these things, if you think you see the simple performance, great effect, almost hearts, does not cost a thing and brought with it the promise of high wages when God, which gives the look on the religion of Islam that it had been all civilizations to the concept of peace, love and depth, which were not the interests of the mundane

أخوتي في الله: هل من ملاحظات على هذه الترجمة؟؟

لأني سأعتمدها صباح الغد، و الله المستعان. فوددت التأكد ..


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