“ Not all religious Gentiles earn eternal life by virtue of observing their religion: While it is recognized that Moslems worship the same God that we do (though calling him Allah, He is the same God of Israel), even those who follow the tenets of their religion cannot be considered righteous in the eyes of God, because they do not accept that the Written Torah in the hands of the Jews today is the original Torah handed down by God and they do not accept the Seven Laws of Noah as binding on them.
While the Christians do generally accept the Hebrew Bible as truly from God, many of them (those who accept the so-called divinity of Jesus) are idolaters according to the Torah, punishable by death, and certainly will not enjoy the World to Come. But it is not just being a member of a denomination in which the majority are believers in the Trinity that is idolatry, but personal idolatrous practice, whatever the individual's affiliation”…
According to Torah tradition, God gave Noah and his family seven commandments to observe when he saved them from the flood. These commandments, referred to as the Noahic or Noahide commandments, are learned by tradition but also suggested in Genesis Chapter 9, and are as follows:
1. not to commit idolatry
2. not to commit blasphemy
3. not to commit murder
4. not to have forbidden sexual relations
5. not to commit theft
6. not to eat flesh cut from a living animal
7. to establish courts of justice to punish violators of the other six laws.
These commandments may seem fairly simple and straightforward, and most of them are recognized by most of the world as sound moral principles. But according to the Torah only those Gentiles who observe these laws because God commanded them in His Torah will enjoy life in the World to Come: If they observe them just because they seem reasonable or because they think that God commanded them in some way other than in the Torah, they might as well not obey them so far as a part in the World to Come is concerned
ولنقرأ كذلك هذه النصوص التلمودية عن المسيح التى زوَّدَنا بها مايكل هوفمان 2 فى موقعه الذى يفضح فيه ما يقوله اليهود فى تلمودهم عن ذلك النبى عليه السلام: "يقول السنهدرين B 107:"... نصب المسيح حجرا، ثم اتخذه صنما وركع له. كما أنه قد مارس السحر وحرَّض بنى إسرائيل وأضلَّهم". (التلمود البابلى/ مجلد 21/ تراكتيت سنهدرين/ ج 7/ ترجمه إلى الإنجليزية الحاخام آدين شتاين زالتس/ راندم هاوس/ نيويورك/ حقوق الطبع محفوظة لمعهد إسرائيل للمنشورات التلمودية 1999م) ... والآن إلى نصٍّ تلمودىٍّ آخَرَ حول المسيح من السنهدرين B43: " وفى ليلة الفصح أُعْدِم يسوع الناصرى. لقد مارس السحر وحرض بنى إسرائيل وأضلهم ... ترى أكان يستحق البحث عن حجة للدفاع عنه؟ لقد كان محرِّضًا، وجاء فى التوراة: لا ينبغى أن تَعْفُوا عنه، ولا أن تخفوه! ... إن بعض طبعات الجيتين 57 a التى خضعت للرقابة والمتابعة تستبدل باسم "المسيح" اسم "مذنب (أو مذنبى) بنى إسرائيل". ويتضمن الجيتين 57 a من التلمود هجوما بذيئا وفاضحا على المسيح يتعلق بنوع من العقاب يُفْتَرَض أنه يقاسيه بعد وفاته. وكالعادة نرى الـ"إيه دى إل" تتجنب إيراد كلام الجيتين 57 a، ومن ثم كان علينا أن نفضح المحتوى القبيح والمريض لهذا القسم من التلمود. وهذا هو النص المقصود: "ثم مضى (أى الحاخام) وأقام بتعويذاته مُذْنِبى بنى إسرائيل من الأموات، وسألهم: ... ما عقوبتكم؟ فردّوا قائلين: هى إلقاؤنا فى خراءٍ يغلى".