تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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ـ[السامية للمعالي]ــــــــ[26 - 08 - 2009, 02:25 ص]ـ

جزاكِ الله خيراً يا أخيتي

حقاً نأخذ التسمية كما هي

وكم هي المصطلحات التي نستخدمها

ولا نعرف مدلولاتها فضلاً عن سبب تسميتها.

أشكركِ يا عزيزتي

في رعاية الله.

ـ[سهى الجزائرية]ــــــــ[26 - 08 - 2009, 05:21 ص]ـ

جميلة ............ تحياتي خالصة

ـ[الفارابي]ــــــــ[26 - 08 - 2009, 11:48 م]ـ

هذه الحكاية هي من الخرافات الشائعة:


Origin stories

Fanciful stories of how the kipfel - and so, ultimately, the croissant - was created are culinary legends, at least one going back to the 19th century [12]. These include tales that it was invented in Europe to celebrate the defeat of a Muslim invasion at the decisive Battle of Tours by the Franks in 732, with the shape representing the Islamic crescent;[13] that it was invented in Poland in 1683 to celebrate the defeat of the Turkish siege of the city, as a reference to the crescents on the Turkish flags, when bakers staying up all night heard the tunneling operation and gave the alarm; tales linking croissants with the kifli and the siege of Buda in 1686; and those detailing Marie Antoinette's hankering after a Polish specialty.

Several points argue against the connection to the Turkish invasion or to Marie-Antoinette: saving the city from the Turks would have been a major event, yet the incident seems to be only referenced by food writers (writing well after the event), and Marie-Antoinette - a closely watched monarch, with a great influence on fashion - could hardly have introduced a unique foodstuff without writers of the period having commented on it.[original research?] Those who claim a connection never quote any such contemporary source; nor does an aristocratic writer, writing in 1799, mention the pastry in a long and extensive list of breakfast foods. [14]

The fact that these stories have long been disproved does not prevent reputable companies from repeating them on their sites. [15] Despite increasing scholarship in cultural history in general and in food history in particular, these myths are still found far more frequently than the documented versions.

ـ[لحن القوافي]ــــــــ[28 - 08 - 2009, 10:13 م]ـ

السامية للمعالي ..

سهى الجزائرية ..

أسعدني مروركن ..


ـ[لحن القوافي]ــــــــ[28 - 08 - 2009, 10:21 م]ـ

الفارابي ..

شكراً لمرورك ..

حقيقة أنا لا أعلم هل القصة خرافة أم حقيقة ..

ولكن نقلتها لكم كما وردتني على بريدي

إلا أن عزيزتي نون النسوة قالت بأنها

حقيقة لا خرافة ..

وبالنسبة لما كتبت فأنا لم أفهم شيئاً منه

فلغتي الانجليزية ضعيفة بعض الشيء ( ops

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