تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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مؤتمر حول القراَن في جامعة لندن

ـ[أحمد الأشتر]ــــــــ[25 Oct 2007, 07:24 ص]ـ

سيعقد مؤتمر حول القراَن في جامعة لندن بين 7 و 9 من شهر نوفمبر/ تشرين الثاني القادم

موضوع المؤتمر: القراَن: النص والتفسير والترجمة

وما يلي عناوين البحوث لمن أراد الحضور (ليس هناك رسوم للحضور):

Conference Schedule

Provisional Schedule

Weds 7 November

9.30–9.50 Coffee

9.50–10.00 Opening Address (Professor Muhammad Abdel Haleem)

10.00–12.00 Theological Trajectories I (chair: Josef van Ess)

Mohammad Hassan Khalil, ‘Is the Qur’anic Hell Eternal? The Ibn Taymiyya Controversy’

Ayman Shihadeh, ‘Noncognitivism in Qur’anic Hermeneutics’

M. Sait Ozervarli, ‘Towards the Formation of Qur’anic Theology: The Concept of fitra as a Base for Belief in God’

Salvador Pena, ‘Amru’llah (God’s Order) and its Assigned Meanings, according to the Andalusi Sages al-Batalyawsi and al-Balawi (with Particular Reference to Q. 3:154)’

12.00–14.00 Lunch including lunchtime presentation:

13.15–13.45 ‘The Tashkent ‘Uthmani Codex’ (Ubaydullah Uvatov)

14.00–15.30 Orthography and Grammar (chair: Elsaid Badawi)

Thomas Hoffmann, ‘Straight and Upright Semantics. The Semantic Field of Q-W-M in Light of Cognitive Semantics and Conceptual Metaphor Theory’

Ghassan El Masri, ‘Poetic Intertextuality? A Lexico-Semantic Investigation of the Root K-F-R’

Christopher Melchert, ‘The Ten Readings as Manuscript Variants: Internal Relationships and Mutual Dependencies’

15.30-16.00 Coffee

16.00-18.00 Characters and Characterisation (chair: Shawkat Toorawa)

Mustansir Mir, ‘Characterisation in the Qur’an’

Jamal J. Elias, ‘Prophecy, Power and Propriety: The Encounter of Sulayman and the Queen of Saba’

Adam Silverstein, ‘The Qur’anic Pharaoh’

Kevin van Bladel, ‘The Prophecy of Dhu’l-Qarnayn’

Thursday 8 November

10.00-12.00 Intertextual Elements (chair: Angelika Neuwirth)

Islam Dayeh, ‘Al-Hawamim: Intertextuality in Late Meccan Suras’

Joseph E. Lowry, ‘Legislation and its Function in Two Qur’anic Passages, Q. 6:136-153 and Q. 17:22-39’

Orkan Mir-Kasimov, ‘The Hurufi Moses’

Nicolai Sinai, ‘Jeremiah’s Confessions and Muhammad Consoled: Typological Continuities and Discontinuities between the Qur’an and Prophetical Literature’

12.00–14.00 Lunch including lunchtime presentation:

13.15-13.45 ‘The Qur’an as a Source for an Arab Media Theory’ (Makram Khoury-Machool)

14.00–15.30 Dialogue and Discourse (chair: Tony Johns)

Todd Lawson, ‘The Poetics of Opposition: Duality and Typology in Qur’anic Narrative’

Devin Stewart, ‘The Making of the Qur’anic Story of Shu‘ayb’

Roberto Tottoli, ‘Polysemy and Synonymity in Qur’anic Narratives: The Case of the Rod of Moses Transformed into a Snake’

15.30–16.00 Coffee

16.00–18.00 Hermeneutical Strategies (chair: Kees Versteegh)

Herbert Berg, ‘Revisionists’ tafsir’,

Andrea Brigaglia, ‘Two Hausa Translations of the Qur’an and the Negotiation of Sufi and Ash‘ari Allegiances in Contemporary Nigeria’

Angelika Neuwirth, ‘Qur’anic Readings of the Psalms’

Annunziata Russo, ‘The Qur’an and the Topic of tanasukh (Metempsychosis): Patterns of Ta’wil in ‘Alawite Doctrinal Literature’

Friday 9 November

10.00–12.00 Theological Trajectories II (chair: Wilferd Madelung)

Goran Larsson, ‘Muslim Discourses on Domestic Violence: Modern Interpretations of Q. 4:34’

Intisar Rabb, ‘Legal Maxims, Justice and the Qur’anic Concept of hudud’


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