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[قانون الحالات الأربع لسور القرآن في جامعة اكسفورد]

ـ[عبدالله جلغوم]ــــــــ[07 Jun 2007, 10:37 م]ـ

هذه الرسالة من باحث متخصص في الرياضيات يعمل في جامعة اكسفورد، تتضمن ورقتين من بحث له حول قانون الحالات الأربع لسور القرآن ..

وقد وصلني من قبل رسالة من فرنسا من باحث (دكتوراة] قام بترجمة الموضوع، ورسالة اخرى من كندا ...


أتمنى أن يصدر مثل هذا العمل عن مؤسسة دينية او جامعة إسلامية. وليكن ذلك بعد الاستماع إلى كل ما لدي وأن يتم تشكيل لجنة لمناقشة هذه المسألة يتم اختيار أعضائها من اهل الاختصاص في علوم الشريعة والرياضيات.

صحيح أنني صاحب الفكرة والمكتشف الأول إلا أن هناك من هو أقدر مني على تقديم الموضوع وتطويره، بعد أن أقدمه له ..

From : abderrahim youssef

Sent : Thursday, June 7, 2007 2:46 PM

To : [email protected]

Subject : RE: Koran's ranking

Have a look at this paper that i have written inspiring from some of your ideas ....in 1994, an article about the Tourat code was published in statistical science, so I am wondering why we can't do the same thing?



Some analysis of the current Koran’s ranking

Abderrahim Oulhaj

May 29, 2007

1 Introduction

The KORAN is decomposed into N = 114 chapters called Sourats in arabic. Each Sourat contains a

number of verses called Ayats in arabic. One mysterious matter that made me thinking for a while is

that the actual ranking of the sourats in the Koran called MASHAF ranking is completely different from

the chronological one. For instance, sourat Albaqara has rank 2 (chapter number 2) in the MASHAF

ranking and has rank 87 (chapter number 87) in the chronological one. It is well known that the prophet

(sws), by a revelation from allah, has asked his compagnions to use this particular ranking of sourats in

the Koran and nobody knows why. This current ranking may then have some relevant properties making

it qualitatively and quantitatively different from all other possible rankings of the Koran. This is the

main object of this work. We aim to prove that the MASHAF ranking which is one possibility from

N! = 114! was not randomly established however something logical is hidding behind it. This work is a

mathematical reformulation and extension of some works that I have found in the web.

2 Notations

Let S be the set of all sourats in the Koran with card(S) = 114 (the total number of sourats in the

Koran) and R be the set of all ranking functions defined on S. A ranking function R in R is any bijective

function assigning ranks to the sourats of the Koran, more specifically:

R : S ?! {1, 2, 3, ..., 114}

s ?! R(s)

The number of ayats in sourat s 2 S is denoted by na(s). Let us now define 2 binary functions. The first

one indicates whether the number of ayats in a given sourat is even or not, namely:

I1(s) = 11

{na(s) is even}


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