تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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[ردان جديدان من التراث على النصارى]

ـ[سمير القدوري]ــــــــ[04 Sep 2007, 02:40 م]ـ

أما بعد فهاتان دراستان بشأن الجدل الإسلامي مع النصارى ظهرتا بالغرب:

1 - مجادلة بين مسلم ونصراني زمن حروب الفرنجة: إنها رسالة أهل قبرص وجواب أبي طالب الدمشقي عنها. تحقيق وترجمة دافيد توماس ورفعت عبيد. (وكان قد سجل المعلومات الأولى عن مخطوطاتها موريس شتاين شنايدر في كتابه مؤلفات الجدل الدفاعي والجدلي بين المسلمين وأهل الكتاب)

Muslim-Christian Polemic During the Crusades: The

Letter From the People of Cyprus and Ibn Abi Talib

Al-Dimashqi's Response (Relié)

ed by Rifaat Y. Ebied , David Thomas.

Book Description

This volume comprises an edition and English

translation of the response in Arabic made by the

fourteenth century scholar Ibn Abî Tâlib al-Dimashqî

to a Letter sent to him by anonymous Christians from

Cyprus. The Christian letter was also sent to

al-Dimashqî’s contemporary Ibn Taymiyya, and this

response is thus a parallel to Ibn Taymiyya’s Al-jawâb


In their Letter the Christians subtly suggest that the

Qur’an supports Christian doctrines. Al-Dimashqî

replies with a comprehensive series of elaborate and

wide-ranging arguments that incorporate not only

themes familiar from earlier polemical works but also

his own original points. His response is thus an

important source of information about the development

of Muslim interfaith attitudes, and a significant

example of polemic in the later medieval period.

The edition presents the two parts of this

correspondence in parallel Arabic and English

versions, together with an extensive introduction,

textual notes and commentary.

About the author

Rifaat Ebied is Foundation Professor of Semitic

Studies at the University of Sydney, Australia. He has

published extensively in the field of Semitic Studies

generally and on Christian Arabic and Syriac studies

in particular, most recently Petri Callinicensis

Patriarchae Antiocheni: Tractatus Contra Damianum

(Louvain 1994/1996/1998/2003).

David Thomas, Ph.D. (1983) in Islamic Studies,

University of Lancaster, is Reader in Christianity and

Islam at the University of Birmingham. He has

published extensively on Christian-Muslim relations,

most recently Early Muslim Polemic against

Christianity (Cambridge, 2002) and Christians at the

Heart of Islamic Rule (Brill, 2003).

2- نقد القاضي عبد الجبار لأصل النصرانية التثليثية (الموجود بكتابه تثبيت دلائل النبوة)

دراسة وترجمة جبرائيل سيد رينولدز.

. A Muslim Theologian In The Sectarian Milieu: Abd

Al-jabbar And The Critique Of Christian Origins


de Gabriel Said Reynolds (Auteur), G. S. Reynolds


Book Description

A Muslim Theologian in the Sectarian Milieu is a

revealing study of the classical Islamic view of

Christianity. Therein Gabriel Said Reynolds presents

the influential theory of Abd al-Jabbar, that early

Christians such as Paul and Constantine suppressed the

true Islamic religion of Jesus and invented

Christianity in its place. Reynolds shows how Abd

al-Jabbar draws on rare sources, including the

practices of Christians in his day and the reports of

otherwise lost books in Arabic and Syriac, to press

his argument forward. In the process, the worldview of

a rationalist Muslim theologian is exposed, showing

the influence of religious competition on Islamic


About the author

Gabriel Said Reynolds is Assistant Professor of

Islamic Studies and Theology at the University of

Notre Dame. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University

(2003) where his dissertation won the Theron Rockwell

Field Prize. Since then Reynolds has conducted

research in Beirut and Jerusalem as a Luce Fellow in

Theology (2006) and a Fulbright Scholar (2007). He is

also the editor of The Qur'an in Its Historical

Context (London: Routledge, 2007), a book based on an

international Qur'an conference that Reynolds

organized in 2005.

ـ[أحمد الطعان]ــــــــ[04 Sep 2007, 10:25 م]ـ

- أخي الفاضل الأستاذ سمير بالنسبة للكتاب الأول هل نشر؟ وهل هناك ذكر لتاريخ هذه المناظرة فحروب الفرنجة امتدت قرون عديدة.

- بالنسبة لردود القاضي عبد الجبار فظني أن القاضي قد توسع أكثر ما توسع في نقض النصرانية في كتابه المغني الجزء الخامس كما أعلم - وفي كتابه التثبيت يختصر أو أنه اختصر فيه وتوسع في المغني إذ لا أدري أيهما أسبق!

وسؤالي هل هناك من جديد في الكتاب الثاني مادم المغني والتثبيت كلاهما منشوران ومتداولان - إلا إذا كان المقصود هو إفراد الردود على النصارى في سفر مستقل.

جزاكم الله خيراً ووفقكم الله وحماكم.


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