تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

فصول الكتاب

God, Oh Remover of ashes, Oh Preventer of crises, Oh Saver from fear-causers, Oh Thou who satisfies generously, Oh Thou unto whom return the forgivers, Oh Thou who art capable of forgiveness and ease, praise our leader Muhammad, the seal of your messengers, and the spreader of your miracles (verses), and the lamps of his family, and the keys to his victory, and save me, God, from the whispers of devils, and the lusts of emperors, and the help of the unjust (twice but in different, almost identical, ways), and the animosity of foes, and the assault of the assaulters, and the defeat from the defeaters, and the ripping of the rippers, and the treachery of the tricksters (twice but in different, almost identical, ways)


Before completing, let's deal with some of the problems in this part of the duaa'. First, the excessive rhyming in it, which Ibn 3abbaas, one of the companions of the Prophet (PBUH), told us that the Prophet didn't do. And those who made up this duaa' certainly do not know more about Sunnah than Ibn 3abbaas (RA3) does. Secondly, in the Duaa' are some calls to God using names and descriptions that never appeared in the Koran nor in the Sunnah, so how, for God's sake, did they know about them? God says in the Holy Koran (interpretation of meaning) "He knows what is in front of them, and what is behind them, and they surround Him by knowledge not!" It also calls the Prophet (PBUH) and his family by names which you can never hear used by him (PBUH) in Sunnah, but on the other hand, actually hear him criticizing them like, for instance, him asking peaople not to call him a leader. (even though he is) Another thing to criticize about this made-up duaa' is the fact that it is so wordy; the Prophet (PBUH) used to offer Duaa' using concise precise duaa's. The maker of this duaa also asks God to sustain him against things I do not recall the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned explicitly. Therefore, this duaa' is not a way to build closer ties with God! And as mentioned in the introduction to this translation, when you do something the Prophet (PBUH) and his companions didn't use to do, God doesn't accept it. So, if you actually insist on saying this duaa' after knowing this, you might even be considered a sinner since doing some form of worship you know God doesn't accept seems like some form of ridicule of Him, May He forgive us. And thank you for bearing with me till this moment, since this has been a little long, but I thought I'd share this with you, so that God doesn't get angry with either me nor you. Thank you again.

يتبع غدا إن شاء الله.

وأرجو منك أخي ألا تعطيه هذه الترجمة إلا إن ترك بدعته، كي لا تتحمل ولا أتحمل وزر فعله بالإعانة عليه.

ـ[البهناوي الشنقيطي]ــــــــ[20 - 04 - 10, 04:22 ص]ـ

بارك الله فيك، ونضر وجهك، وشكر سعيك

لكن أخي الكريم ماذا اعطيه إذن إن لم اعطه الترجمة

وأين الأحاديث التي تحث على ترك الأذكار والأدعية المبتدعة وكلام العلماء في ذلك،وأمثلة تبين خطا هذا المسلك وخطره

كل هذا أريده بالانجليزية حتى أعطيه للأخ الغامبي

في انتظار ردكم

ـ[البهناوي الشنقيطي]ــــــــ[20 - 04 - 10, 08:45 م]ـ

طالعت الروابط

وكلها مفيدة، وخاصة تفصيلات الشيخ بكر رحمه الله في شأن سجع الدعاء ونقله عن ابن عباس النهي عن ذلك

فحبذا لو وجدت المزيد من هذا الباب

وانا أقدر لكم تواصلكم، وتجشمكم عناء الترجمة،مع كثرة الانشغال

وقد قرأت أيضا تعليقكم على الدعاء بالانجليزية

جزاكم الله خيرا

ـ[بن محمد الحنبلي المصري]ــــــــ[21 - 04 - 10, 03:57 ص]ـ

حسنا، نكمل الترجمة، إن شاء الله، مستعينا به:


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