And keep me safe, oh God, from the the injustice of those close to me, and being close to those who are unjust, and prevent the hands of the unjust from having me, and let me out of the gloominess of the unjust, and let me by your mercy one of Thy obedient slaves. God, save me in my grave, in my foriegness, in my return, in my forgetfullness, in my return (again), in my deeds, in my manners, in my destiny, in my alternation, and in my destiny (again again). And save me in my self and my precious (things), in my honor, and my resurrection, in my quantity, and my quality, and (my home, and my shelter [to be repeated seven times]), and my environment, and my status, and my money, and my end, and change me not, and send not upon me who changes me, and prepare for me a lord and sustainer from Thee. God, guard me with Thy eyes, and Thy aid, and choose my especially to be the reciever of Thy security and Thy blessings. And direct me using Thy choices and Thy goodness, and make not somebody else responsible for me, and bless me with wellfare which is different from my wellfare, and luxury which is not ignorable, (???), and let not the nails of the enemies get me, Thou art the Hearer of Duaa', and nobody can vary nor strengthen without Thy leave.
As for this part of the Duaa, it, just as well, has got somethings which, at best, it couldn't be prasied about. It contains many of the cons previously mentioned, especially being unconsice, alliterating, and rhyming, and for this, uses some awkward col********s and expressions. It also specifies the part about the shelter to be repeated for seven times, which I have never come accross before in any 7adeeth, making it a bid3ah (Act not done by the prophet and his companions).
وأنا عندي كتاب اسمه (أوراد أهل السنة والجماعة)، فيه أدعية من القرآن والسنة معلق عليها ومخرجة، ولم يذكر المؤلف إلا ما رآه صحيحا ثابتا عن النبي (صلى الله عليه وسلم)، وعلق عليه الشيخ ابن جبرين -رحمه الله-، وهو كتاب مفيد حقا، ولكنه بالعربية فقط. لعلي، إن أردتَ ذلك، أرفعه ثم تحمله وتعطيه له إن شاء الله؟
وأما سؤالك عن الأحاديث، فأنا قد ذكرت بعضها في الترجمة التي في ردي السابق، فإن لم يكن ذلك كافيا، فلعلك أخي تختار أفضل كتاب من الكتب التي ذكرها الإخوة، وأحاول أن أترجمه لك إن شاء الله (وأنا، والحمد لله، عندي من الوقت ما يكفي ويزيد لكي أنهيه، إن شاء الله، في بضعة أسابيع).
ـ[البهناوي الشنقيطي]ــــــــ[23 - 04 - 10, 01:57 م]ـ
يا لها من همة،واستعداد لخدمة الطلاب
بارك الله فيك وشكر سعيك
وبالمناسبة فإن أخانا وشيخنا أحمد مزيد بن عبد الحق المعروف بالبوني الشنقيطي-او أبي حاتم الرازي-صاحب موقع ومنتدى شذرات، قد ابتُلِي بسرقة جهازه المحمول
وفيه ما فيه من الابحاث القيمة والفوائد والمخطوطات النادرة
فلو عرض احدكم عليه خدمته بكتابة شيء مما ضاع عليه رجونا له الأجر في ذلك
ـ[البهناوي الشنقيطي]ــــــــ[23 - 04 - 10, 02:56 م]ـ
[ QUOTE= ب
As for this part of the Duaa, it, just as well, has got somethings which, at best, it couldn't be prasied about. It contains many of the cons previously mentioned, especially being unconsice, alliterating, and rhyming, and for this, uses some awkward col********s and expressions. It also specifies the part about the shelter to be repeated for seven times, which I have never come accross before in any 7adeeth, making it a bid3ah (Act not done by the prophet and his companions).