تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

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an evil refuge" And the Prophet (PBUH) described the successful group among the ones that went astray as being "who follow and behave as what I and my companions follow and behave"

Secondly: A unanimous consensus for the entire Ummah, in the east and west that women can not lead the Friday prayer nor can they deliver the ceremony. Whoever takes part in such a prayer, then his prayer is nullified, whether he was and Imam or a follower. It is never found in any jurisprudential text, from Sunnah Scholars (Hanafi, Maliki, Shafii nor Hanbali) or even from Shiite scholars, that a woman can lead the Friday prayer nor deliver the ceremony. This opinion is an innovation and a heresy on any account, nullified by all scholars.

Some of the evidence that led to the above mentioned consensus is what came in the purified sunnah that the rows of the women should be behind the rows of the men in the prayer. In the Hadeeth narrated by Anas (Bukhari) said " the Prophet (PBUH) prayed as Imam for Anas, his mother and his Aunt, he made Anas stand on his right side and Anas’s mother and his aunt behind them". Same arrangement was followed in the Masjid of the Prophet (PBUH) and across the entire Ummah for centuries. Imam Muslim narrated that the Prophet (PBUH) said that "The best rows for the men are the front ones and the least good are the ones towards the back, and the best rows for the women are the ones towards the back the least good are the ones towards the front" This was for no other reason but to protect them from any embarrassment and to close the door on any evil thoughts or temptations that might come into the hearts of whomever might be looking at them otherwise. How could it be possible then that a woman can be in front of all rows leading the Friday prayer?!

Another evidence is that is well established in Islamic jurisprudence that ALLAH (SWT) has not made prayer in congregation mandatory for women, neither is it obligatory that women pray Friday prayers. The Prophet (PBUH) mentioned in the authentic narration through Abu Dawood: "Friday prayer is mandatory upon each Muslim (to be performed) in a congregation, the only types of people who are exempt: a slave, a woman, a young boy or a sick person (i.e. it is not mandatory for these people to attend the congregation)" In addition, the Prophet (PBUH) informed Muslim women that their prayer at home better for them than attending the congregation, out of mercy upon them that they face the hassles of going out and to shield them from temptations. The Prophet (PBUH) said " Do not prevent the women from going to the Masjid, whoever, it is better for them to pray at home" [narrated by Imam Ahmed and Abu Dawood]. How could it be possible then that it is not mandatory for a woman to pray in the Masjid, to achieve the intent of the legislator (ALLAT (SWT)) of making it easy upon women by praying at home, while shielding them from temptations, then a woman goes up on the pulpit to deliver the ceremony, and stand in front of the rows as Imam!!

It was never recorded that a single woman, across Islamic history, has performed such an action, nor even demanded to do it. Not in the time of the Prophet (PBUH), nor in the time of the companions, or their followers, not even in later generations and centuries. This is by itself constitutes a clear proof on the invalidity of this opinion, and that anyone who calls for it or help to implement it is a heretic.


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