تم الاندماج مع الموقع الرسمي لمشروع المكتبة الشاملة وقد يتم الاستغناء عن هذا النطاق قريبا

فصول الكتاب

" That is, we cannot perceive Allah's existence with our eyes, but Allah has

thoroughly encompassed our inside, outside, looks and thoughts...."

The whole of this Chapter entitled "The real essence of Matter" deals with

his philosophy. To sum up and give a general understanding to his whole

chapter in one sentence could be :

" That there is no US, the WORLD is not REAL, Allah is REAL, so ALLAH is


again: page (193) " As it may be seen clearly, it is a scientific and

logical fact that the "external world has no materialistic reality and that

it is a collection of images perpetually presented to our soul by God.

Nevertheless, people usually do not include, or rather do not want to

include, everything in the concept of the "external world".


WHAT is this DISFIGUREMENT of TAWHEED (the call of the prophets and

messengers ? )

This Kalaam (rhetoric) continues on for a whole chapter, and this is a HUGE

deception since 90% of his books contain scientific, rational proofs,

quotes from the scholars of (wordly science) etc..

then right at the end of the book he adds this Kalaam, understanding of

Allah, his creation, and Tawheed of the EVIL SUFIES??

SO what is more harmful to islaam than the CURRUPTION OF TAWHEED itself.. A

way to corrupt TAWHEED is by targeting its understanding. After we have

established this EVIL mutterings, We shall affirm what the Salaf affirmed:

From Imaam al-Bukhaaree's, $B!F (BKhalq Af $B!G (Baal Ebaad $B!G (B

[All the narrations are authentic according to the research done on this

work by the great hadeeth scholar Badr al-Badr (RH), and are from the

sahaabah or those who came soon after]:

"6) Wahb bin Jareer said, $B!F (BThe Jahmiyyah are heretics, they think that


has not risen over His Throne. $B!G (B

13) Ibn al-Mubaarak said, $B!F (Bwe do not say as the Jahmiyyah say that


is on the earth, rather He has risen over His Throne. $B!G (B

14) And it was said to him, $B!F (Bhow should we know our Lord? $B!G (B He

said, $B!F (Babove

the Heavens, over/upon ( $B!F (Balaa) His Throne $B!G (B

29) Sufyaan ath-Thawree was asked about the verse, "and He is with you

wheresoever you are". He said, $B!F (BHis Knowledge. $B!G (B

And much can be written if a student of knowledge of scholar where to go

through this...


com To:

[email protected]

cc: (bcc: Faisal BKC1248


06/09/2003 12:30 Subject: [right-path] Harun

Yahya's Aqeedah ?


Please respond to


Assalamu alaykum,

Does anyone know anything about Harun Yahya's Aqeedah (Creed)?


Please when replying send a copy to my email, because I am on no email.

Jazakum Allahu Khayran.

(See attached file: C.htm)

ـ[زوجة وأم]ــــــــ[11 - 06 - 03, 06:26 ص]ـ

جزاك الله خيرا

الرسالتان تتحدث عن قوله بالحلول ووحدة الوجود.

وأنا أريد أن أعرف المزيد من المعلومات عن عقيدته.

ـ[أحمد الأزهري]ــــــــ[11 - 06 - 03, 07:12 ص]ـ


وحدة الوجود مذهب فلسفي لا ديني يقول بأن الله والطبيعة حقيقة واحدة، وأن الله هو الوجود الحق، ويعتبرونه - تعالى عما يقولون علواً كبيراً - صورة هذا العالم المخلوق، أما مجموع المظاهر المادية فهي تعلن عن وجود الله دون أن يكون لها وجود قائم بذاته.

- ونحن نوضح هذا المذهب لأن آثاره وبعض أفكاره لا زالت مبثوثة في فكر أكثر أهل الطرق الصوفية المنتشرة في العالم العربي والإسلامي، وفي أناشيدهم وأذكارهم وأفكارهم.


تعرف على الموسوعة الشاملة للتفسير